Adams & Knight Marketing Blog

Three quick tips for better mobile marketing


If you’re thinking about designing an online experience for your brand, we’ve got two words for you.

Think mobile.

Better yet, think about it first. Not last.


With each passing day, more activities are moving to mobile. For instance, (Dec. 2013) reported that more than 50 percent of emails are now opened on mobile devices.

So it’s absolutely essential to keep small screens in mind when designing websites, applications and other interactive tools in order to deliver an optimal experience at both small and large screens. After all, you don’t want users to project any frustration they may feel about navigating your mobile site with numerous (and unnecessary) pinches and drags . . . onto your brand.

To make sure you and your marketing team deliver the most effective online experiences, regardless of device or communications vehicle, keep in mind these best practices:

1) Allow for responsive content architecture. 

Understand the context in which visitors will access your website or use your application and provide only the content relevant to that context.

Look at each device separately and map out the unique content and navigation for each one. Also, consider what a device tells you about the potential needs of the visitor. For example, if you’re a healthcare company, do directions to your facility display more prominently on your mobile site than on desktop. . .since smartphone users would likely be engaged while on-the-go.

2) Embrace a device-agnostic approach to communicating.

Realize that customers will likely interface with your brand in many different ways. That means you’ve got to think about an experience that works from everywhere and with any-size screen. So consider things like how fast graphics load on mobile versus desktop, for example.

3) Simplify content.  

Rule of thumb: display only what’s important on mobile. The amount of content that can be easily scanned and absorbed differs greatly from a desktop to a mobile device. So keep your mobile content short and simple — with access to more detailed content in lower-tier pages, if needed.

Today, creating intuitive and engaging brand experiences on mobile is critical. Make no mistake, brands that are successful will forge stronger connections with existing clients and potential prospects.

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Ryan Jakubowski
VP Interactive Services
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Brian McClear
SVP Marketing Technology
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