Adams & Knight Marketing Blog
POSTED BY: Marc McFarland

The new branding challenge for financial services


Branding for financial services companies is no longer just about branding your company. Today, it’s more about branding the producer.

That’s because as the industry has moved from traditional distribution models to more independent systems, the need for helping producers brand and market themselves as objective professionals has become more critical. 

The key to branding these days? You guessed it. Content. Producing it. Customizing it. Sharing it. Tracking it. Not just for your organization. But also for your producers.

Question is . . . how can financial services marketers help their independent distribution partners do this easily and efficiently?

The answer . . . an easy-to-use, content-sharing system. One that lets you upload relevant, compliance-approved content from your company in the form of articles, newsletters, videos and white papers, for example. And then gives your sales force as much or as little flexibility as you see fit to let them quickly and easily co-brand those pieces with their agency name and logo, post it on their website, and share it on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. All with a just few keystrokes.  

Here’s how one content-sharing solution designed specifically for financial services organizations works:

In the new era of more independent distribution channels, financial services organizations must find ways to forge stronger ties with independent distribution partners. Providing a tool that can help them build their brand and customize their marketing can pave the way for more productive relationships . . .and better results.

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